In igneous rocks, chlorite is mostly a product of alterations such as pyroxene, amphibole and biotite. Iron-rich chlorite is mainly produced in sedimentary iron ore. The chlorite-derived chlorite, which has reached the industrial utilization index, can be used for iron ore mining. There are ten kinds of chlorite, and the chlorite containing chromium ions is called chrome chlorite, which is purple in color and can be used as crafts and decorations. Chlorite is very similar to mica, but the former has a characteristic green color and is flexible and inelastic. The main output of chlorite ore is in the deep mountain of the upper reaches of the Dadu River. It is a river pebbles formed by green basalt. Its hardness is about 2-2.5, tender green to dark green, granular, slab, block. Shape, due to the development of rock inclusions, it is most likely to form various forms. The texture of chlorite is fine and smooth, the color is oily green, and it is very elegant. It can be divided into stone, picture stone (ink stone), grape stone, plum stone, green glaze stone (color stone). The modeling stone is easy to form Luohan, characters, avatars, various animals and other types. The overall shape is round and beautiful, with light green, yellow green, dark green and other colors. The combination of patterns and patterns is like Tiandiao Shensu, and the stone table has natural patina. It has the characteristics of the Yangtze River stone and its shape is different; the grape stone surface is distributed like grapes, the stone type is mostly melon-like, and the stone body is covered with white, yellow and light green convex patterns, like grapes. Cooked, for people to enjoy the taste, there is a rare plum stone, formed by small particles rounded grain bumps, between or strips of branches, resembling green plum blossoms, luxurious and elegant, beautiful; green mud ink stone surface The texture or pattern has the charm of traditional Chinese ink painting. The ink painting is elegant and the black lines are like sketch pen and ink. The chemical composition can be expressed as Y3[Z4O10](OH)2·Y3(OH)6, and the crystal is a general term for a family of layered silicate minerals of monoclinic, trigonal or orthorhombic (orthorhombic) crystal system. In the chemical formula, Y mainly represents Mg2+, Fe2+, Al3+ and Fe3+, and in some mineral species (such as nickel chlorite, manganese chlorite, lithium borochlorite, etc.), it may also be Cr, Ni, Mn, V, Cu. Or Li; Z is mainly Si and Al, and occasionally Fe3+ or B3+. However, the so-called chlorites are often referred to only as minerals mainly composed of Mg and Fe, namely, chlorite and chlorite. Sub-species such as chlorite and chlorite may be subdivided according to the ratio of Fe2+:R2+ (divalent cation) and the number of Si atoms. The crystal structure of chlorite consists of a negatively charged 2:1 type structural unit layer Y3 [Z4O10](OH)2 and a positively charged octahedral sheet Y3(OH)6 alternately. The chlorite is multi-type, and the types of polytypes are related to the changes and formation conditions of their components. The crystal is in the form of a pseudo-hexagonal sheet or plate, the sheet is flexible, and the aggregate is scaly and earthy. The color varies with the amount of iron in shades of green. The glass is glossy to matt, and the cleavage surface is pearly. The specific gravity is 2.6 to 3.3, and the Moss hardness is 2 to 3. Chlorite is mainly a product of medium and low temperature hydrothermal action, shallow metamorphism and sedimentation. In igneous rocks, chlorite is mostly a product of alterations such as pyroxene, amphibole and biotite. Iron-rich chlorite is mainly produced in sedimentary iron ore. The chlorite-derived chlorite, which has reached the industrial utilization index, can be used for iron ore mining. Name source: named after its similarity to chlorite; Chemical composition: the composition changes greatly, and often contains CaO and TiO2; Category: silicate mineral - island silicate - hard chlorite family; Crystal system and space group: There are two types, triclinic and monoclinic, and the space groups are Ci and C2/c respectively; Unit cell parameters: a0=0.950nm, b0=0.548nm, c0=0.916nm, α=90o11, β=90o111, γ=90o11 (three oblique), a0=0.952nm, b0=0.547nm, c0=1.819nm, α=90 Morphology: The crystal is a pseudo-hexagonal crystal sheet, usually produced in the form of scales or rosettes; Color: dark gray, or from light green to greenish black; Streak: same color; Transparency: translucent; Gloss: glass luster, pearl luster on the cleavage surface; Hardness: 6.5; Cleavage and fracture: complete cleavage, jagged fracture; > Specific gravity: 3.6g/cm3 Other properties: the sheet can be bent, but it is easy to break and has no elasticity; Identification characteristics: chlorite is distinguished by higher hardness and brittleness, and the difference from mica is that the sheet is inelastic; Causes and occurrences: Rocks formed in regional metamorphism, such as schist and phyllite, are also formed in pegmatites, with associated minerals such as muscovite, chlorite, garnet, cross and kyanite. 15 Lb Weighted Blanket,Cotton Weighted Blanket,Weighted Blanket Amazon,Weighted Blanket Queen,Blanquil Weighted Blanket,Anxiety Blanket Hangzhou Dowin Hometextile Co.,Ltd. ,