A fastness to wear The abrasion resistance is the ability to resist wearing, which helps to increase the durability of the fabric. Clothing made of fibers with high breaking strength and good fastness can be worn for a long period of time, and signs of wearing wear will appear after a long period of time. Nylon is widely used in sports jackets, such as ski jackets and football blouses. This is because it has particularly good strength and fastness to wear. Acetate fibers are often used in the lining of garments and jackets because of their excellent drape and low cost. However, due to the poor abrasion resistance of the acetate fibers, the lining may wear or form holes before the corresponding wear of the jacket outer fabric occurs. Dual water absorption Absorption is the ability to absorb moisture and it is usually expressed in terms of moisture regain. The water absorbency of fibers refers to the percentage of dry fibers that absorb moisture in the air under standard conditions of a temperature of 70°F (equivalent to 21°C) and a relative humidity of 65%. Water-absorbent fibers are called hydrophilic fibers. All natural animal and vegetable fibers and two artificial fibers - viscose and acetate fibers - are hydrophilic fibers. Fibers that are difficult or capable of absorbing only a small amount of water are called hydrophobic fibers. Except for viscose fiber, Lyocell fiber and acetate fiber, all man-made fibers are hydrophobic fibers. Glass fiber does not absorb water at all, and other fibers usually have a moisture regain of 4% or less. Fiber water absorption affects many aspects of its application, including: • Skin comfort: Due to poor water absorption, sweat flow can cause a cold and wet feeling. Three chemical effects In the textile processing (such as printing and dyeing, finishing) and home/special care or clear (such as soap, bleach and dry cleaning solvents, etc.), the fiber is generally in contact with chemicals. The type of chemical, the strength of action, and the time of action determine the degree of impact on the fiber. It is important to understand the effects of chemicals on different fibers and it should be directly related to the care needed in cleaning. Fibers react differently to chemicals. For example, cotton fiber is relatively low in acid resistance and alkali resistance is good. In addition, the cotton fabric loses a little strength after the chemical resin is free of ironing. Four coverage Coverage refers to the ability to fill a range. Crude fiber or crimped fiber has a better textile coverage than fine, straight fiber. The fabric is warm, full-feeling, and requires less fiber to sew. Wool is a fiber widely used in winter clothing because its curl provides excellent coverage of the fabric and forms a large amount of static air in the fabric, which is isolated from the external cold air. The effectiveness of fiber coverage depends on its cross-sectional shape, longitudinal configuration, and weight. Five Elasticity Elasticity refers to the ability to increase length (stretch) under tension and return to rock (recovery) after release of external forces. The elongation when the external force acts on the fiber or the fabric can make the person feel more comfortable with the clothing, and the resulting joint stress is also relatively small. At the same time there is a tendency to increase the fracture strength. A complete reply can help produce a sagging in the elbow or knee fabric, thus preventing the garment from becoming loosely deformed. Fibers that can stretch at least 100% are called elastic fibers. Spandex fiber (Spandex also known as Leica, China called spandex) and rubber fibers belong to this type of fiber. After elongating, these elastic fibers can almost return to their original length forcefully. Six environmental conditions Environmental conditions have different effects on fibers. It is important that the fibers and the final fabric react to exposure and storage. Here are some examples: ◠Wool garments need insect repellent when stored because they are easily invaded by wool aphids. Seven Flammability Flammability refers to the ability of an object to ignite or burn. This is an important feature because people's lives are always surrounded by a variety of textiles. We know that clothing or interior furniture, due to its flammability, can cause serious harm to consumers and cause significant material damage. Fibers are generally classified as flammable, non-flammable, and flame-retardant: ◠Flammable fibers are fibers that are easily ignited and will continue to burn. Flammable fibers can be made into flame-retardant fibers by sorting or changing fiber parameters. For example, conventional terylene is flammable, but Trevira polyester is flame retardant after it has been treated. Eight softness Softness refers to the property that the fibers are easily repetitively bent without breaking. Soft fibers, such as acetate fibers, support the formation of drape fabrics and garments. However, rigid fibers such as glass fibers cannot be used to make garments, but can be used on fabrics that need to be relatively stiff for decorative purposes. The finer the fiber, the better the drape. Softness also affects the feel of the fabric. Although the drapability of the fabric is often required, a stiffer fabric is sometimes required. For example, in a garment with a cloak (the garment hung on the shoulder and flipped outwards), a stiffer fabric is used to achieve the desired shape. Nine feel Touch is the feeling of touching a fiber, yarn, or fabric. The hand of the fiber feels its shape, surface features, and structure effects. Different fiber shapes can be round, flat, multi-lobed and so on. The fiber surface is also different, such as smooth, serrated or scaly. The shape of the fiber is not curly or linear. Yarn type, fabric structure and finishing processes also affect the feel of the fabric. Soft, smooth, dry, silky, stiff, rough or rough are commonly used to describe the feel of a fabric. Ten Gloss Luster refers to the reflection of light on the fiber surface. The different properties of the fiber affect its gloss. Glossy surfaces, less bending, flat cross-section shapes, and longer fiber lengths enhance light reflection. The drafting process during fiber manufacturing increases its gloss by making its surface smoother. Adding a matting agent will destroy the light reflection and reduce the gloss. By controlling the amount of matting agent added, optical fibers, matting fibers and matt fibers can be manufactured. The gloss of the fabric is also affected by the type of yarn, the organization and all finishing. The requirements for gloss will depend on trends and customer needs. Ten ball together Pilling means that some of the short, broken fibers on the surface of the fabric are entangled with one another. When the end of the fiber breaks from the surface of the fabric, the pompon is formed, usually caused by wearing. Pilling is not what people need because it makes fabrics such as bed sheets old and unsightly, and makes people feel uncomfortable. The pompons are produced in areas that are often rubbed, such as collars, under cuffs, and cuff edges. Hydrophobic fibers are more likely to pill than hydrophilic fibers because hydrophobic fibers are more likely to attract static electricity to each other and are less likely to fall off the fabric surface. Pompon rarely seen on 100% cotton shirts, but on polyester-cotton blend dress shirt similar period of time is very common. Although wool is hydrophilic, the pompon is produced due to its scaly surface. Fibers kink and twist each other to form a pompom. High-strength fibers easily hold the pompon on the fabric surface. Easy to break low-strength fibers, because the ball is easy to drop and not easy to pilling. Twelve rebounds Resilience refers to the ability of a material to elastically recover after being folded, twisted, and twisted. It is closely related to wrinkle recovery ability. Fabrics with good resilience are less likely to wrinkle and, therefore, tend to retain their good appearance. The thicker fiber has better resilience because it has a larger mass to absorb the strain. At the same time, the shape of the fibers also affects the resiliency of the fibers, and the round fibers have better resiliency than the flat fibers. The nature of the fiber is also a factor. Polyester fibers have outstanding resilience, but cotton fibers have poor resilience. Therefore, it is not surprising that these two fibers are often mixed in products such as men's shirts, women's blouses and bed sheets. If you need to form a pronounced fold on the garment, the rebounding fibers will be a bit trickier. It is easy to form creases on a cotton fabric or a coarse fiber fabric, but it is not easy on a dry wool fabric. Wool fibres are resistant to bending and wrinkling and can be straightened in the end. Thirteen relative density Relative density refers to the ratio of the mass of the fiber to the equivalent volume of water at 4°C. Light fibers can keep fabrics warm and not bulky. They can be thick, fluffy fabrics, but they can still maintain a lighter weight. Acrylonitrile fiber is the best example. It is much lighter than wool, but has similar properties to wool and is therefore widely used for light and warm blankets, scarves, thick socks, and other winter products. Fourteen static electricity Electrostatic charge is the charge produced by friction between two different materials. When the charge is generated and accumulates on the surface of the fabric, it will be the garment that clings to the wearer or the lint is absorbed on the fabric. When the surface of the fabric is in contact with a foreign body, electric sparks or electric shocks are generated, which is a rapid discharge process. When the electrostatic surface of the fiber is generated at the same speed as the electrostatic transfer, the electrostatic phenomenon can be eliminated. The moisture contained in the fiber acts as a conductor to eliminate the charge and prevent the aforementioned electrostatic effect. Hydrophobic fibers, because it contains very little water, has a tendency to generate static electricity. Static electricity is also produced in natural fibers, but it only becomes hydrophobic fibers when it is very dry. Glass fiber is an exception to hydrophobic fibers because, due to its chemical composition, static charges cannot be generated on its surface. Fabrics containing 埃比特罗比克 fibers (fibers can conduct electricity) are free from the annoyance of static, containing carbon or metals that allow the fibers to transfer accumulated static charges. Because electrostatic problems often exist on carpets, Ultron nylons such as Monsanto are used on carpets. Trobike fibers eliminate electric shocks, fabrics, and dust absorption. Because of the danger of static electricity in a special work environment, it is very important to use low-static fibers to make the subway in the work area near the hospital or computer near flammable or explosive liquids or gases. Fifteen intensity Strength is the fiber's ability to resist stress. Fiber strength is the force required for fiber breakage, expressed in grams per denier or centimeters per tex (legal units of measure). 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â— Electrostaticity: Hydrophobic fibers can cause problems such as clothes sticking and sparking, because there is almost no moisture to help evaporate the charged particles accumulated on the surface of the fiber, and the dust is also carried on the fiber due to static electricity and adheres thereto.
â— Size stability after washing : After washing, the hydrophobic fibers shrink less than the hydrophilic fibers and the fibers seldom swell, which is one of the reasons for fabric shrinkage.
• Detergency : It is easy to remove stains from hydrophilic fibers because the fibers inhale detergent and water at the same time.
â— Water repellency: Hydrophilic fibers are usually subjected to more water repellent and durable post-treatment because the chemical treatment can make these fibers more water-repellent.
• Fold Resilience: Hydrophobic fibers generally have better wrinkle recovery, especially after laundering because they do not absorb water, do not swell, and dry in wrinkled state.
â— Nylon and silk are exposed to sunlight for a long time and their strength will be reduced, so they are not usually used to make curtains and doors and windows.
â— Cotton fiber is easy to mold, so it can not be stored in a humid environment for a long time.
â— Non-flammable fiber refers to fibers that have a relatively high burning point, a relatively slow burning rate, and self-extinguishing upon evacuation from a source of combustion.
â— Flame-retardant fibers are fibers that cannot be burned.
The properties of the fiber determine its quality characteristics and its applicability under specific application conditions. Standard tests and laboratory tests are generally used to measure and compare the properties of the fibers.